Terms and Conditions

1 Definitions

  1. Terms and Conditions – these Terms and Conditions document.
  2. Seller – Inter Projekt S.A. which is entered in the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court in Warsaw, 10th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number KRS 0000274114, NIP: 631-25-16-395, REGON: 240518567
  3. Buyer – any entity making a purchase at the Shop.
  4. Consumer – consumer within the meaning of Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 on consumer rights, amending Council Directive 93/13/EEC and Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directive 85/577/EEC and Directive 97/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  5. Shop – Inter Projekt S.A. online Shop, maintained by the Seller under the following address: https://www.interprojekt.pl/
  6. Order – an offer of concluding a sales contract for a good presented in the Shop, within the meaning of the Civil Code, placed by the Buyer to the Seller via the Shop, containing at least: the designation of the good, its price and the cost of delivery.
  7. Account – a free-of-charge function of the Shop which allows the Buyer to register his/her own individual Account at the Shop.

2 Seller’s contact details

  1. Address : ul. Wyczółkowskiego 10, 44-100 Gliwice
  2. Registry address: ul. Marszałkowska 68/70 lok. 26, 00-545 Warszawa
  3. Email address: orders@ip-sa.pl
  4. Telephone: +48 32 335 12 49

3 Placing Orders

  1. The Buyer places an Order to the Seller via the Shop.
  2. The Buyer may place an Order using a User Account or without creating a User Account, instead providing his/her data in the Shop's order form.
  3. To place an Order, the Buyer should first add the chosen goods to the shopping cart in the Shop, as well as select their parameters – if applicable.
  4. Then the Buyer selects the delivery method, the payment method and provides his/her data (including the address to which the Order is to be sent).
  5. An Order is effectively placed when the Buyer confirms the Order and accepts the Terms and Conditions.
  6. Upon the Seller's acceptance of the Order, a sales contract for goods is concluded on the terms specified in the Order.
  7. An Order is accepted upon sending an e-mail from the Seller to the Buyer with the appropriate content informing about the fact that the Order has been approved for processing to the address specified in the User Account or while placing the Order if the Buyer does not have a User Account.
  8. The Seller's acceptance of an Order made subject to a change or an addition is considered to be a new offer and a sales contract is concluded only after it has been accepted by the Buyer.
  9. The Seller will immediately respond to the received Order.

4 Cost of the Order

  1. The prices displayed at the Shop are the total prices.
  2. The total cost of the Order consists of the price for the goods indicated in the description of the goods and the cost of their delivery specified in an appropriate tab in the Shop and when placing the Order. After the goods and the method of delivery have been selected by the Buyer, the total cost of the Order to be placed via the Shop will be shown to the Buyer.

5 Payments

  1. An Order can be paid for using the following methods, depending on the Buyer's choice:
    1. cash on delivery payment,
    2. cash when collecting the goods personally,
    3. regular bank transfer to the Seller’s bank account,
    4. via a payment gateway PayPal or Przelewy24
  2. If the Buyer chooses to pay in advance, the Order must be paid within 7 days of placing the Order.
  3. The Seller informs the Buyer that because of the specifics of electronic payments, using them to pay for the Order is possible only immediately after the Order is placed.
  4. By making a purchase at the Shop, the Buyer accepts the use of electronic invoices by the Seller. The Buyer has the right to withdraw his/her consent.

6 Shipping and delivery

  1. Buyer shall select a way of delivery in the order; personal pick-up or delivery by the shipping company. Sending the goods with the shipping company is only possible on work days. A complete order is sent for delivery unless otherwise agreed between buyer and seller.
  2. the shipping costs related to the foreign shipping depends on the weight and size of the delivery and shall be sent to buyer upon request before the dispatch of the shipment.
  3. The goods delivered through the shipping company shall be properly packed by seller using protective packaging and adhering to usual packaging standards as to prevent any damage to the goods.
  4. Protective packaging that is used, precisely writing and print on them, do not have to correspond with the goods delivered. The goods delivered shall always be identified by a label on the protective packaging informing buyer on the contents of the delivery. Protective packaging used for delivery purposes are single use packages and are not returnable.
  5. If buyer refuses to accept the goods shipped by the shipping company according to the valid order confirmed by seller from other than legal reasons, seller has a right to request from buyer a compensation for incurred damage resulting from such behavior.
  6. If the goods are prepared for pick-up and buyer does not pick up ordered goods at the seller's store in one week and unless new pick-up date is agreed between seller and buyer, seller is eligible to cancel the purchase agreement.

6 Right of withdrawal from the contract

  1. A Consumer has the right to withdraw from the sales contract, subject to 9 of the Terms and Conditions, within 14 days, without giving any reason.
  2. The time limit for withdrawal from the contract ends after the lapse of 14 days, counting from the day:
    1. on which the Consumer acquired physical possession of the goods or on which a third party other than the carrier, indicated by the Consumer, acquired physical possession of that good;
    2. on which the Consumer acquired physical possession of the last good or on which a third party other than the carrier, indicated by the Consumer, acquired physical possession of the last good in the case of a contract on the transfer of ownership of many things which are delivered separately.
  3. For a Consumer to be able to exercise the right of withdrawal from the sales contract, he/she must notify the Seller by using the data specified in 2 of the Terms and Conditions about the withdrawal from the sales contract by making an unequivocal declaration (e.g. a letter sent by post or information sent via electronic mail).
  4. A consumer may use the withdrawal form presented at the end of the Terms and Conditions or use the electronic withdrawal form available in the Shop, however this form is not mandatory.
  5. For the time limit for withdrawal from the contract to be observed, it is sufficient when the Consumer sends information about exercising his/her right of withdrawal from the contract prior to the lapse of the withdrawal time limit.
  6. The payments will be returned with the same payment methods as the ones used by the Consumer in the original transaction, unless the Consumer agrees on another solution. In any case, the Consumer will not incur any fees in connection with the return.
  7. The Seller can withhold a return of the payment until having received the good or a proof of its return, whichever occurs earlier
  8. The Seller asks that the goods be returned to the postal address given in 2, immediately, however not later than 14 days from the date on which the Seller was notified about the Consumer's decision to withdraw from the sales contract. This deadline is deemed to have been met if the Consumer sends the product back before the lapse of 14 days.
  9. The Consumer bears the direct costs of returning the goods.
  10. The Consumer is responsible only for the reduction in the value of the goods resulting from using them in a manner other than necessary to establish their nature, characteristics and functioning.
  11. No entity other than a Consumer has the right of withdrawal from a distance contract.

7 Exceptions to the right of withdrawal from the contract

  1. The Consumer does not have the right of withdrawal from a distance contract in the case of the following contracts:
    1. where the subject of the service is a non-prefabricated good made to the Consumer’s specifications or used to meet his/her clearly personalised needs.
    2. where the subject of the service are goods which are, after delivery, according to their nature, inseparably connected with other items.

8 Complaints

  1. If the goods are defective, the Buyer has the possibility to submit a complaint.
  2. If the goods are defective, the Buyer have to follow our RMA procedure:
    1. Products for which for any reason a return (repair or replacement) is required must be authorized on our website. https://interprojekt.pl/en/rma
    2. Create an account (in case if you don't have it)
    3. Fill in RMA form for each of devices, write down serial number of a product
    4. Wait for authorization
    5. After authorization you will recive e-mail with RMA number
    6. The RMA number must be specified on the package
    7. The shipping costs of returned devices are charged to the sender
    8. Devices should be sent to the following adress: Inter Projekt S.A. Wyczolkowskiego 10, 44-109 Gliwice POLAND Goods must be packed carefully
    9. In case if the warranty coniditions are met, the product will be repaired or replaced and will be returned free of charge
  3. If the subject of the sale is a movable item, the Seller's liability is limited to one year from the date of delivery of the item to the Buyer.
  4. In the case of a defect in the goods, a Buyer who is not a Consumer is entitled to request the repair of the defective product in the first place. If it is not possible to repair the good, a Buyer who is not a Consumer may then demand that the product be replaced with a new one. In the case of a substantial material defect and the inability to repair or replace the goods with new ones, a Buyer who is not a Consumer is entitled to submit a statement of withdrawal from the sales contract.
  5. The Seller asks that any complaints be submitted following the procdure described under the RMA document: https://interprojekt.pl/en/rma
  6. Complaints regarding the functioning of the Shop should be sent to the following e-mail address: pomoc@ip-sa.pl
  7. The Seller will review the complaint within the period of 14 days.

9 Personal data

  1. Personal data provided by the Buyer for the purpose of using the Shop are administrated by the Seller. Detailed information regarding the processing of personal data by the Seller – including the other purposes and the basis of data processing, as well as data recipients – are available in the Privacy Policy of the Shop – due to the transparency principle contained in the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) – “GDPR”.
  2. The purpose of processing the Buyer's data by the Seller, provided by the Buyer in connection with purchases in the Shop, is the fulfillment of Orders. The basis for the processing of personal data in this case is:
    1. the sales contract or activities undertaken on the Buyer’s request aiming at its conclusion (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR),
    2. the sales contract or activities undertaken on the Buyer’s request aiming at its conclusion (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR), and
    3. the Seller’s legitimate interest consisting in the processing of data for the purposes of the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR)
  3. Providing data by the Buyer is voluntary, but at the same time it is necessary if a sales contract is to be concluded. Failure to provide data makes the conclusion of a sales contract with the Shop impossible.
  4. The Buyer's data provided in relation to purchases in the Shop will be processed until:
    1. the Seller ceases to be legally obliged to process the Buyer's data;
    2. the possibility of pursuing claims related to the sales contract concluded via the Shop by the Buyer or the Seller ceases;
    3. the Buyer's objection against the processing of his/her personal data is accepted – if the basis for data processing was a legitimate interest of the Seller – depending on whichever is applicable in that case and whichever is later.
  5. Furthermore, the Buyer has the right to:
    1. access his/her personal data,
    2. change them,
    3. erase them,
    4. restrict their processing,
    5. demand the transfer of the data to a different controller
      Also, the Buyer has the right to:
    6. object (at any time) to the processing of data for reasons related to the Buyer's specific situation – in the processing of personal data concerning him/her, based on Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (i.e. a legitimate interest pursued by the controller).
  6. In order to exercise his/her rights, the Buyer should contact the Seller using the data from .2 of the Terms and Conditions.
  7. If the Buyer finds that his/her data is being processed unlawfully, the Buyer may submit a complaint to the supervisory authority.

10 Claims

  1. The Buyer is forbidden to provide content of illegal nature.
  2. Each order placed at the Shop requires the conclusion of a separate contract and separate acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. The contract is concluded for the time and for the purpose of Order completion.
  3. Any contract concluded on the basis of these Terms and Conditions is governed by the provisions of the Polish law, provided that this choice does not result in a situation where the Consumer loses protection granted to him/her based on mandatory provisions of law, which would apply if this law was not selected. In such cases the provisions most favourable to the Consumer are applied.
  4. Contracts are concluded via the Shop in English.
  5. Any dispute arising between the Seller and the Buyer who is not a Consumer will be submitted to the court competent for the Seller’s registered office.
  6. No regulation of the present Terms and Conditions waives or restricts the Consumer rights imposed by the provisions of law in any way.