Complaints, exchanges, returns, and rentals


Claims for damages incurred during transportation

Inter Projekt S.A. is NOT RESPONSIBLE for mechanical damage to equipment that occurs during transport by courier companies (DHL, DPD, etc.). We are also not responsible for delays in delivery by transport companies or for lost packages. Complaints in such cases should be filed directly with the courier company. However, we always strive to assist our clients whose equipment has been damaged or lost during transport. Please contact us immediately (phone, email) - we get directly involved in the complaint process. However, please DO NOT SEND DAMAGED EQUIPMENT BACK TO US - the damage must be reported at the recipient's location, preferably directly to the courier upon receipt. Please note that in other cases, courier companies generally DO NOT ACCEPT claims for damages that occurred during transport.

If you detect mechanical damage to the package (external) or the equipment inside the package, please:

If possible, immediately inform the courier delivering the package about the damage to its contents.
Inform our company (by phone) about the damage as soon as possible - involving us in the entire complaint process.
Document the damages to both the equipment and the external packaging of the package (preferably with photographs - using a digital camera - if you have the appropriate technical means).
Secure the delivered equipment TOGETHER WITH THE PACKAGING so that the entire shipment remains as close as possible to its condition at the time of delivery.
If you follow the above guidelines, our experience shows that the likelihood of the carrier accepting a properly filed claim is close to 100%.

Procedure for authorization of equipment shipment to the seller

Before any goods purchased from us are sent to our company (regardless of the reason for sending them - whether it is a return for complaint, return to the seller, exchange for another product, or return of a rented product) - it is necessary to contact our company in advance to obtain authorization for the shipment of goods to our company. If the sold product is labeled DOOR-TO-DOOR, it is covered by a DOOR-TO-DOOR warranty only if the warranty claim is made by the final purchaser - the user of the product. The DOOR-TO-DOOR warranty applies only to the final user - the consumer. A reseller who is not the user - the final purchaser of the product - is obliged to deliver the claimed goods to the place of purchase or directly to our company at their own expense after obtaining authorization by filling out the RMA form available on our website.

To obtain shipment authorization, please follow these steps:

Please inform our company about the reason and method of shipment using the online RMA Form. Upon completion, the customer's shipment will be assigned a unique RMA number.

After submitting the RMA form, you will receive an automatic confirmation of its receipt from our company, sent to the email address provided in the form.
If the RMA form has been completed comprehensively and correctly, you will receive confirmation of shipment authorization - also in the form of an email sent to the address provided in the form.
After obtaining shipment authorization, the RMA number must be clearly placed on the external packaging before shipment. Otherwise, the shipment will not be accepted by us.The shipment must be packaged in a way that prevents equipment damage during transport (Inter Projekt is not liable for such damages). All required documents, especially the proof of purchase (copy), must be included with the shipment. Proof of purchase can be an invoice, Allegro auction printout, or any other document (e.g., email printout) clearly confirming that the sender is the original purchaser of the equipment. The equipment should be sent complete and in its original packaging. Otherwise, processing of your request (e.g., complaint, return) may be suspended until all required documents are provided. Note: Unordered shipments, shipments without an RMA number, and shipments not authorized by us will not be accepted, regardless of the reason for sending them.

Return to the seller as part of a complaint resolution

Goods purchased from our company come with a warranty. The warranty is valid for the direct purchaser of the goods. In case of resale, warranty claims can only be processed through the original purchaser. Before deciding to return the goods to the seller, all reasonable attempts to inspect and operate the goods at the customer's premises, following all FREE technical support provided by Inter Projekt S.A., should be exhausted. To do this, please contact technical support at: Contact Department on our website, providing comprehensive information enabling the identification of the fault.
If, despite consulting with technical support, the device cannot be started, in order to process a warranty claim and send the goods to the company for inspection and possible repair or replacement, you need to submit a warranty claim using the online RMA Form. Only after obtaining authorization for the shipment is it possible to send the equipment to our company. The equipment should be sent in its complete, original packaging along with a copy of the proof of purchase. Proof of purchase can be an invoice, Allegro auction printout, or any other document clearly and indisputably confirming that the sender is the original direct purchaser of the equipment. The equipment should be sent complete (with its original packaging). The equipment should be packaged in a way that prevents damage during shipping.

Shipping the equipment to our company for warranty processing is at the customer's expense. If the warranty claim is justified and the equipment is repaired or replaced with a fully functional unit, it will be returned to the customer at our expense. If the warranty claim is found unjustified and the equipment is fully functional, the return shipping to the customer will be at the customer's expense. In such cases, the customer may also be charged for the inspection of the goods at Inter Projekt S.A.'s premises. These costs amount to 3% of the value of the goods, but not less than 20 PLN net.

Return of equipment to the seller as part of the rental agreement

We offer our customers the option to rent equipment at our company for testing purposes. This service is chargeable, with the rental fee set at 7% of the value of the equipment being tested.
The rental period is agreed upon with the Seller, typically ranging from 2 to 4 weeks from the date the equipment is shipped to the Customer. Rental occurs upon payment of a deposit equal to the full value of the rented equipment plus transport costs, based on a 'rental agreement' and VAT invoice with payment terms matching the rental period. If the equipment is not returned to the Seller after the rental period, the deposit is fully deducted from the purchase price of the equipment. The equipment is then considered sold, and the rental fee (7% of the value) is not charged. The equipment is also considered sold if it is not returned in complete condition, shows visible signs of use or mechanical damage, has been destroyed or modified by the Customer, or is not returned in its original, undamaged packaging.
To initiate a return under the rental agreement, the online RMA Form must be correctly filled out. The customer bears the cost of shipping the returned goods to the company's headquarters. Upon authorization of the shipment and receipt of the complete, undamaged equipment at our company, a corrective invoice is issued to the customer against the purchase invoice. After signing and returning it to our headquarters, the customer receives the deposit back, reduced by the rental fee (this fee is reflected in the purchase invoice correction).

Return to the seller for exchange for a different assortment

In some cases, agreed upon with the Buyer before purchasing the equipment, when both the Buyer and the Seller are unsure whether the purchased equipment will exhibit the desired operational characteristics under the conditions specified by the Customer, the purchased equipment may be exchanged for another type or assortment.
Exchange can take place within a period agreed upon with the Seller before purchasing the equipment. This period is typically 2 weeks from the date the equipment is shipped to the Customer. Exchange is possible if the purchased equipment is complete, shows no visible signs of use or mechanical damage, has not been destroyed or modified by the Customer, and is returned in its original, undamaged packaging. To process the exchange, the online RMA Form must be correctly filled out. The customer bears the cost of shipping the returned goods to the company's headquarters. Upon authorization of the shipment and receipt of the complete, undamaged equipment at our company (i.e., in its complete, branded packaging along with a copy of the purchase invoice), a corrective invoice is issued to the customer. After signing and returning it to our headquarters, and after covering the agreed price difference in purchase, the agreed equipment for exchange is sent to the customer. The price difference in purchase can also be covered by shipping the equipment 'cash on delivery.'

Return of goods to the seller 'without stating a reason'

In the case of any purchase made online, Consumers (Individual Clients not acting as business entities) have a LEGAL RIGHT to withdraw from the purchase within 14 days from the date of receiving the shipment. You can inform us about this by email, filling out an online form, or submitting a written statement. The Consumer is obligated to return the goods promptly, no later than within 14 calendar days from the day they submitted the statement of withdrawal from the contract. Failure by the consumer to return the goods within this period does not invalidate the withdrawal from the contract, although delay may incur liability for damages.

The consumer is responsible for taking care of the goods until they are returned. Upon receiving the product, they may inspect its nature, characteristics, and functioning — but only as they would in a physical store. The buyer is liable for compensation for any reduction in the value of the goods resulting from actions that exceed necessary measures to familiarize oneself with the item. Please provide your bank account number for the refund when returning the product. In the case of payment by card, the refund should be made to the card account.

In case of withdrawal from the contract, we refund to the consumer the costs of delivering the goods (for the transport from the seller to the consumer). However, according to applicable law, we only refund the costs of the cheapest standard delivery method available in our offer, regardless of the transport method chosen by the buyer at the time of placing the order.

If the statutory 14-day period has not yet expired, please send us a relevant declaration in the form of an online RMA Form to initiate the return process. The deadline for expressing the intention to return the goods is determined by the exhaustive completion and submission of the RMA form. Upon sending the RMA form to our company, an automatic confirmation of its receipt is sent to the email address provided in the form. The customer bears the cost of returning the goods to our company. After obtaining authorization for the shipment and sending complete, undamaged equipment to our company (i.e., in complete, branded packaging along with a copy of the purchase invoice), a corrective invoice is issued to the customer against the purchase invoice. After signing and returning it to our company headquarters, the customer receives a refund equal to the full purchase price of the goods, including the cost of the cheapest available shipping method in our offer. This amount is refunded via bank transfer to the customer's designated bank account.

In cases where the purchase was made through dedicated auction portals (e.g., Allegro), our company requests the portal owners for a refund of the commission paid for the purchase. In such cases, the auction portal typically takes actions as outlined in its regulations regarding individuals withdrawing from transactions 'without stating a reason'.

In justified cases, companies may also arrange for the return of goods, but it always occurs in the form of 'return of equipment to the seller as part of the rental' (see above point). For companies, this is a chargeable service, requiring prior approval from the seller, and the return may take place no later than within 4 weeks after we dispatch the goods. Prices of goods on our website often change over time and depend on fluctuations in financial markets (currency exchange rates), which our company cannot control. The fee compensates us for exchange rate risks and costs incurred in shipping and inspecting the goods. In the case of such returns, transport costs to the customer are not included in the refunded amount.

The seller undertakes to refund the buyer within 7 days from the day of receiving the returned shipment.



RMA form
Goods purchased from InterProjekt S.A.
Goods purchased from ADVATUS Spółka z o.o.